Wendy Craig-Tyler

I was kept off school to help look after my severely disabled brother , at times absent for 50 % of time
Got involved with D of ed at 13vand started attending regularly
Gained Bronze, silver, Gold by 18
Prince Philip told me You don't look like a miner , after an announcement went wrong it was in the throne room then
I became a PE teacher, at interview they were impressed by a Gold
Taught and helped in D of ed
Became a Field officer for North Yorkshire, , then ran a large unit at Scarborough College, then at Scarborough 6 form
Got many wonderful volunteers involved including husband, friends, son in laws, colleagues.
Two daughters both Golds
Became an Assessor
Still volunteering, supervising and assessing , for one of my old golds and still loving it
Feeling very sad but also very grateful