Kathy Howe

I was a student in Swansea when I went to Buckingham Palace to receive my Gold Award from His Royal Highness in 1969. That was the year in which Prince Charles was to be invested as Prince of Wales, so as a gesture to Wales all the candidates from Wales were to be the first to be presented. That meant 2 young men in front of me, then me - first girl! A lady in the ante room showed me how to curtsey and gave me all the instructions about what to do, ending with "Make sure you do it right, because everyone else will copy you." I was terrified, and I hadn't realised till then that one's knees really do knock! But the Duke was lovely. He said "Where did you do this?" and I told him. I remember people said he didn't converse with everyone, so I was honoured that he spoke to me. And he was so handsome....... And I think I did it right!