Elleanor Brennan

Doing DofE will always be a great memory and a story I will pass on to nephew, my future children and the children I teach.

Doing the Duke of Edinburgh award gave me the chance to meet make new friends and over come challenges I never thought I could.

The experience, skills and lessons I have gained while doing DofE back in 2013, has supported me throughout my time in school and throughout different times in my life.

I am so thankful that I had the chance to do the Duke of Edinburgh award, because even to this day I use the skills and knowledge from it.

I work as a Reception teacher and often I tell the children story's about camping out with my friends, using a map to find our way back. But I mainly use the experience to encourage and support my class when they feel scared, find some thing difficult or when they need a funny story, because my experience from DofE helped me over come those same feelings and helps the young children to see that even their teacher had time in their life where they felt things were to difficult and knowing that encouraged the children to be "brave" and "keep trying"

The Duke of Edinburgh award helped me to become confident, skillful and resourceful. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to gain the award and hope that many more young people will have the chance to do it because what you gain from DofE is something I feel you can't be taught in a classroom or through books.

Thank you Prince Philip for the lessons and skills gain through the DofE award.

Rest in peace.