Lenin Manga

I was introduced to the DofE Award at United States International University- Africa in my Sophomore year. In an instant, I was in love with the outside world, the explorations and expeditions. I embarked on my Silver Award and did my Gold Award thereafter. By the time I was graduating I was the Award Leader in the University.

The Award helped me discover myself at an early age. It equipped me with life skills that have helped me circumnavigate through life. It taught me the art of survival, shared responsibility, service and self reliance. After graduating, I continued to be of service to the Award as a Volunteer and I was awarded the Life Membership Award by our President, H.E Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta who is the Patron of The President's Award- Kenya, the Kenyan chapter of the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Association.

I always push myself to go over and beyond my call of duty. I challenge people to push beyond their limits and lead by examples. My most memorable expedition was conquering Mt. Kenya. It was tormenting yet the most fulfilling. As a volunteer of the award then, I had to put my best foot forward and take charge of my team. The camaraderie formed during the expeditions have clearly stood the test of time.

Growing up, my dream and passion was to serve in the Military. I missed the chance but luckily I serve my Government in a different capacity and it is as equally fulfilling. I was recently appointed as a Board of Trustee, a humbling fete at my age. I am always ready to serve and I believe I can conquer all that life throws at me as long as I put in the effort and focus demanded of me.

The Award equipped me for life. Thank you our Patron and Founder for giving us a platform to discover ourselves. A platform to make a difference for ourselves, our communities, our country and the world.

Young people, let us take after the tenets of the Award and be the change so much needed in the world.

Soldier on HRH, The Duke of Edinbur