Dave Love

Force Provost Marshal at United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) as part of the British Army

It is extremely difficult to find the words to explain the deep and personal connection I feel towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. But I can honestly say that participation in the Award was one of the biggest contributing factors in shaping the person I have become today. The Duke of Edinburgh’s legacy is not just inherent to the enduring nature of his Award, but in the hundreds of thousand of young people who will, every year, continue to benefit from the personal development opportunities and values that he sought to instil.

During the few opportunities I had to meet HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, I will never forget his boundless enthusiasm, wit and good humour - memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life and values that I will continue to do my best at emulating in the development and support of young people for generation to come.