Keshini Talbot

My DofE story is one that has made me grow in confidence and consistency. It has helped me to develop various different skills like leadership, teamwork and it always made me happy and put a smile on my face.

The DofE award is something that I have worked on through the ACF and it is a qualification/award that I have massively enjoyed working on and I am currently working on the next stage of it as well.
I would always and instantly advise anyone who can to do this award as I think it is a great experience for young people to do, founded and set up by an inspirational man!

The award is one that does require hard work but teaches it at the same time and I can honestly say that the memories I have made will always be close to my heart as I have grown as an individual and made so many new friends through it.

It is an amazing experience and I am more than grateful and thankful for the Duke of Edinburgh for setting this up, as it has helped me and many people I know become better and stronger people.