What are the pathways?

Foundations Pathway
Who is it for?

The Foundations pathway is a prerequisite for all other pathways and is for anyone who wants to understand what the DofE Award is about.

How long does it take?

There are five bite-size modules which take around 50 minutes to complete.

What’s covered?

Foundations introduces the DofE as a charity, how we work with organisations and adults to provide Foundations is a pre-requisite for other pathways to give all adults supporting the DofE Awards an understanding of our guiding principles and Awards. The pathways build on this understanding so that you can be confident in performing your DofE role.

What’s next?

After you have completed the Foundations Pathway, any other pathway that you have requested will become available to you within the learning platform.

If you haven’t requested any other pathways but now want to access them please go to the Opportunity Finder to book the next pathway.

Delivering the DofE Pathway
Who is it for?

Managers, Leaders and all those supporting the delivery of the DofE.

How long does it take?

There are four bite-size modules which take around 40 minutes followed by a 90-minute facilitated discussion (bookable via the learning platform) and a final assessment.

What’s covered?

This pathway builds on the concepts introduced in Foundations to give adults a detailed look at the sections, what a DofE journey looks like for participants, and the systems and tools in place to help make the programme a success.

Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Pathway
Who is it for?

Those who wish to be expedition Supervisors or Assessors.

How long does it take?

There are seven bite-size modules which take around 2 hours to complete followed by a 90-minute facilitated discussion (bookable via the learning platform) and a final assessment. Those wishing to be an Expedition Assessor will still need to complete the Expedition Assessor Accreditation Assessment accessed via eDofE.

What’s covered?

This pathway builds on the concepts introduced in Foundations to give adults a more detailed look at the DofE roles which support the Expedition section and what needs to happen before, during and after the expedition to ensure participants have a safe, high-quality and rewarding experience.

Award Verifier Pathway
Who is it for?

Those who will be responsible for verifying awards on behalf of a Licensed Organisation (LO). This person will have been nominated for this role by their LO. This role is not applicable to staff or volunteers within Approved Activity Providers (AAPs).

How long does it take?

There are ten modules which take around 90 minutes to complete.

What’s covered?

This pathway builds on the concepts introduced in Foundations to give Award Verifiers (AVs) a detailed look at the role and why it’s so important. What AVs need to know and how they should apply this knowledge when approving Awards. The skills needed to navigate eDofE and for keeping up with DofE programme changes.

DofE Manager Pathway
Who is it for?

Those who will be responsible for the planning and delivery of DofE programmes on behalf of a Licensed Organisation. This includes people holding the roles of DofE/Award Manager, Coordinator or Assistant Manager.

How long does it take?

There are six modules which take around 60 minutes to complete.

What’s covered?

This pathway builds on the concepts introduced in Foundations and Delivering the DofE to explore the vital role of managers and prepares them to become effective at managing DofE programmes in their own Licensed Organisation. The modules cover an introduction to the role, eDofE for managers and access to the Skillbuilder Series.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the learning for?

This learning is suitable for DofE Helpers, Leaders, Co-ordinators, Administrators, Managers and Verifiers working with DofE Licensed Organisations in the UK.

It is not applicable for:

  • Those delivering the International Award
  • Those under the age of 18
  • Young Leaders (for young leader learning please visit Young Leaders information)
How do I book a learning pathway?

To book the Foundations, Delivering the DofE, Expedition Assessor and Supervisor or the DofE Manager pathways please go to the Opportunity Finder and select the learning you need.

For the Award Verifier Pathway please contact your DofE Manager or DofE Operations Officer for the booking flyer and link.

If you book any of the pathways and have not booked Foundations this will automatically be assigned to you. Delivering the DofE will also be assigned to you if you’ve booked the DofE Manager pathway.

What happens once I’ve booked a learning pathway?
If you haven’t booked a pathway before:
  1. The first time you book a pathway, you’ll be emailed an access link to the platform within 2 working days and assigned the relevant content, so it’s ready for you as soon as you access the platform. Look out for the invite email from no-reply@gethownow.com with a subject of “Welcome to the DofE Learning Platform”. This may appear in your junk or be blocked by your organisation’s firewall so speak with your IT department. If you don’t receive the invite email, then contact Training@DofE.org.
  2. Click the “Take me there” link and you’ll then be asked to create a password.
  3. Once you’re on the Learning platform, we recommend you view the 2 orientation videos under the announcement banner, as these will show you around the platform.
  4. You’ll find the learning content assigned to you in the “Must Do” button on the home page. Then you’re ready to get started!
If you are booking another pathway:

Any further pathways that you book will show in your learning platform account once you receive confirmation from eDofE that your application for the pathway has been approved. This can take up to two working days.

You can then just log back into the platform to find the learning.

Can I access this on a tablet or mobile?

The DofE learning platform has apps which can be downloaded, and these give a much better experience on a mobile device than accessing it through a web browser. Please download the HowNow app, which is available on Apple, Google and Android.

If you have already accessed your learning platform account then you will need the Company URL to log in: type in “thedofe”, this will then allow you to enter your email address and password.

If you access the learning platform on a mobile device from “take me there”, the URL will be automatically filled in.

How will the facilitated discussions work?

The Delivering the DofE and Expedition Assessor and Supervisor pathways include a 90-minute facilitated discussion led by the UK Training Team.

You’ll be prompted to book a session once the online learning has been completed. We’ll have sessions available at various times of day, including in the evenings.

There are a maximum of 16 spaces at each session. The discussions are designed to give you an opportunity to ask questions arising from the online learning and help you put the delivery of DofE programmes into context in your organisation. You will work in breakout groups with other leaders to share ideas and discuss different topics.

You will need a microphone and camera enabled on your device to be able to access the discussion and be in a private environment where you can have an online discussion.

How do I log back into the learning platform?

If you have already logged into the learning platform and set up your account please click here to go back to the login page.

If you haven’t yet logged into the learning platform and set up your account, please make sure you have registered for a pathway and then look out for an email from no-reply@gethownow.com with a subject title of “Welcome to the DofE Learning Platform”, providing you with information on how to access the learning platform.

Why can’t I log back into the learning platform?

Remember that your username for the learning platform will be your email address – not your eDofE username.

Please remember that any change in status in your eDofE account may reflect in your Learning Platform account, so if you have recently linked accounts, or had a new eDofE account created then this might have impacted your Learning Platform account. Please contact the Training team at Training@DofE.org and they will investigate the issue for you.

I can’t see the pathway that I requested?

Have you received the confirmation that you have been approved for the learning?

Check your email for confirmation. Remember it can take up to 48 hours to allocate the learning after you have requested it. In eDofE the status of your learning request will show as approved. If it is still showing as pending approval, then it hasn’t been approved yet. If it has been more than 48 hours, please contact us.

Next, check that you are logged into the learning platform not eDofE, and check in your Must Do tab. If the pathway isn’t there check that you have correctly completed the Foundations Pathway, you should have received a digital badge and certificate for the pathway, and an email to confirm this.

If you have completed Foundations and have been approved for the learning and it is still not showing, then please contact the Training team at Training@DofE.org and they will investigate the issue for you.

I can’t access my facilitated discussion

If you have clicked on the link for your facilitated discussion and it is up to 10 minutes before the start time, and you haven’t been admitted within 30 seconds, please close the link and retry.

Alternatively, try the link on another device, like a phone or tablet.

If that still doesn’t work, please phone the training team on 01753 727499 and email Training@DofE.org and we will help you access the session.


Please note, the session will automatically close 5 minutes after the start time.

Opportunity Finder

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