Sophie Murray

It was a an unforgettable and wonderful whirlwind experience. It helped me tenfold with confidence and life skills and the friendships i made across all three DofE journey's have stayed with me ever since.
For my Gold the wild camping and canoeing in France was an experience i will especially never forget. It was tough but our group motivation, perseverance and determination was so wholesome and i have never smiled and laughed so much.
The leaders that got us there and helped us with trainig and preparation were phenomenal and they truly enabled us to make the most out if the experience as possible.
We canoed for five days and had to find our own camping stations on the side of the Ardeche. We paddled through gorgeous scenery and some nudest beaches, through scary rapids and a scorching heat, we slept under the stars and had wild BBQs every night. We were exhausted at the end but i wouldn't change any part of the expedition.
My residential entailed me going to Uganda for 2 weeks and integrating myself in a small community school and Church. I was there to share my knowledge of English Maths and IT, but really i learnt more life values from them.
My Police cadets was my volunteering and those years as a cadet have made me the person i am today. I was promoted to Head Cadet in my final year, hopefully having left a mark on my squad and learnt many many valuable skills along the way.