Hannah Palmer

My gold DofE was based in the Lake District, an agreeably beautiful place. However, during my expedition the weather turned for the worse, walking four hours in the pouring rain and husting winds, the end never felt near or in sight. Despite trying to keep up group moral, by the third afternoon we were all exhausted and felt like we had nothing left to give. Then, what felt like someone looking down on us and feeling bad, the sun came out in full force as we arrived at our final campsite. everyone's moral was boosted and revived for the last day of walking. We woke up after having the first good night sleep and hit the ground running at 7am. we smashed out the final kilometres and were the firt team to get back to base. This experience was one in a lifetime, despite the awful weather, we were able to overcome our bad moods and lift eachother up, whilst remaining on track with the route and ceasing to get lost. DofE will always remain such a strong memory, after completing all 3 awards i cannot recommend the experience enough.