Certificates and badges
Your Gold Award Certificate and choice of badge or brooch will be posted to you in the month after you achieve your Award and will be sent to the address registered on the Gold Award celebration event page of your eDofE account. If you don’t receive your certificate and badge/brooch within two months of achieving your Gold Award, please email GoldAwardCelebrations@DofE.org.
If you have chosen not to attend a Gold Award celebration event, you’ll receive your certificate in a in a bespoke certificate presentation folder. This will be posted to you in the month after you achieve your Award along with your Gold Award badge or brooch.
Bronze and Silver:
Please speak to your DofE Leader about issuing you a replacement; this will be at the discretion of your Licensed Organisation.
The DofE will review requests for replacement Gold badges and certificates on a case-by-case basis. In order for requests to be considered, we ask that people supply as much evidence as possible, particularly if an Award was achieved prior to 2013, to support their request. Items might include:
- A photograph or scan of their completed record book or DofE certificate.
- A press cutting about their completion.
- A photograph from their Gold Award event.
- A statement from the Licensed Organisation in question stating that they have a record of the participant’s completion.
If insufficient evidence is provided, the DofE may be unable to support the request.