Approved Activity Providers
If you are looking for sectional activities, including expeditions, our Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) will likely have programmes running to suit your needs.
Our AAPs run programmes for all sections of a DofE programme, from Open Gold Expeditions in the Lake district, to online based cookery courses for the Skills section. Use the Opportunity Finder to find out what our providers are currently offering.
What is an AAP? Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations, both commercial and charitable, who can offer opportunities to young people that will count towards achieving a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
The DofE has approved that these opportunities meet DofE sectional requirements; please note it is the responsibility of the participant’s parent / guardian / carer to evaluate the safeguarding and health and safety policies the organisation has, to ensure the safety of their child. Click here for more safeguarding information.
An AAP licence is not compulsory for organisations offering opportunities suitable for the Volunteering, Physical, Skill and Residential sections of a DofE programme. However, due to the increased level of responsibility that expedition providers have, an AAP licence is compulsory for all organisations offering opportunities suitable for the Expedition section of a DofE programme.
AAPs can provide Assessors to sign off the section that a young person has used them for.
Any unlicensed opportunities may not necessarily meet the sectional requirements; before booking, participants / parents / guardians / carers should always check with the DofE Leader that the opportunity will count.
Use our Opportunity Finder to find the location and contact information of our Approved Activity Providers.
Opportunity FinderExpedition Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations which have been licensed by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to provide expedition opportunities to participants.
An Expedition AAP will have satisfied the DofE that their proposed programme of activities will meet and adhere to the sectional requirements. These AAPs are able to deliver expedition training, practice and qualifying expeditions, on behalf of a Licensed Organisation, such as a school.
Please note, AAPs cannot deliver a whole DofE programme, or register participants for an Award. AAPs can only deliver the section for which they are licensed.
Volunteering Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations which have been licensed by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, to provide volunteering opportunities for participants.
A Volunteering AAP will have satisfied the DofE that their proposed programme of activities will meet and adhere to the sectional requirements of the DofE. There’s a wide variety of exciting opportunities for volunteering, from looking after owls, to reading with children. How will you make a difference?
Please note, AAPs cannot deliver the whole DofE programme, or register participants for an Award. AAPs can only deliver the section for which they are licensed.
Physical Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations which have been licensed by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, to provide physical opportunities for participants.
A Physical AAP will have satisfied the DofE that their proposed programme of activities will meet and adhere to the sectional requirements of the DofE. There’s a wide variety of exciting physical activities, from dancing, to kickboxing. How will you get active?
Please note, AAPs cannot deliver the whole DofE programme, or register participants for an Award. AAPs can only deliver the section for which they are licensed.
Skills Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations which have been licensed by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, to provide Skills opportunities for participants.
A Skills AAP will have satisfied the DofE that their proposed programme of activities will meet and adhere to the sectional requirements of the DofE. There’s a wide variety of exciting skills activities, from learning to drive, to mastering a musical instrument. What skill will you master?
Please note, AAPs cannot deliver the whole DofE programme, or register participants for an Award. AAPs can only deliver the section for which they are licensed.
Residential Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations which have been licensed by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, to provide residential opportunities to participants.
A Residential AAP will have satisfied the DofE that their proposed programme of activities will meet and adhere to the sectional requirements. There’s a huge variety of exciting opportunities to participate in, from learning to kayak in Scotland, to helping build community facilities in Africa. Where will your residential take you?
Please note, AAPs cannot deliver the whole DofE programme, or register participants for an Award. AAPs can only deliver the section for which they are licensed.