Blog 01.06.19

I’ve started so I’ll finish

Have you already started your DofE but are stuck on what to do next?

Having trouble with eDofE?

Not sure what you need to do to complete your DofE programme?

This page might be able to help you complete!

I am no longer a member of the group with which I started my DofE; what happens next?
You can get in contact with your local DofE Manager through the Take Part section of the DofE website: – they will put you in touch with other local groups to join up with.

I can’t remember my eDofE login details/password.
You can speak to your DofE Leader or DofE Manager in the first instance who can provide you with your username. If you are not sure who this is then click on the Take Part section of the DofE website for a contact form:

For forgotten passwords, click the ‘Forgot your password’ button and you will be asked a security question. The password will then be emailed to you – make sure you always have an up-to-date email attached to your eDofE account and also check your ‘junk’ box if you have high spam filters set!

I don’t have access to the internet to upload evidence to eDofE.
There are many locations in your local area which will have access to the internet which you can usually access cheaply or for free. These include internet cafes, libraries, friends’ houses, schools, colleges, universities and youth clubs. Ask your DofE Leader if you cannot easily locate access to a computer.

I am unable to log onto eDofE as it says that my account is inactive.
If your account has been archived, you can speak with your DofE Leader who will be able to change the status of your eDofE account from their account. If you are no longer in contact with your DofE Leader, you can contact the DofE Manager for your area here: Logging into an ‘Inactive’ account will trigger it to become ‘Active’ again so you do not need to contact anyone in this case.

My previous Leader/Assessor has left; who can sign off my sections?
Your sections do not need to have Assessor reports written by your DofE Leader – any adult who is aware of what you did for your sections can write a report. Remember this person needs to be independent from you so not a family member.

I have left the group who I started my DofE with but would like to carry on with another group.
Even if you started your DofE a while ago with another group, you can change groups; the DofE website has more information on how to change groups.

Where can I do my expedition?
We have a list of Approved Activity Providers who provide a range of expeditions across the UK and oversea.: Alternatively, you can speak to the Development Officer who looks after DofE in your local authority. They will be aware of DofE expeditions happing at all levels within their county and will be able to advise you who to contact. They may also be able to lend you some equipment if they store it within their areas. You can get in contact with your local DofE Manager through the Take Part section of the DofE website:

Where can I do my residential?
To achieve your Gold Award, you need to complete an extra section – the Residential. This involves spending 5 days and 4 nights away from home on a shared activity with people you’ve never met before in group accommodation. We have a number of Approved Activity Providers whose details are listed on our website and can give you information and ideas on the residential courses which they run: See For local opportunities, you may wish to speak to the Manager who looks after DofE in your local authority. They will be able to advise you of any residential opportunities which they are aware of in the county. You can get in contact with your local DofE Manager through the Take Part section of the DofE website:

Because of the additional conditions of this section you should always discuss your ideas with your Leader or DofE Manager before undertaking an activity. Home or individual stays, work experience and school trips do not count.

I can’t decide what to do for my sections.
You can count something which you are already doing for any of your sections or you can start something completely new. You can find a list of activity ideas for each of the sections here . This list is not exhaustive, so if you would like to do an activity which is not on the list, have a chat with your DofE Leader or DofE Manager before starting it to see whether it would be acceptable.

I started a section but don’t enjoy the activity which I am undertaking.
Even though we don’t encourage this, if absolutely necessary, you may make one change of activity in each section at each level. You must restart the preparation, training, activity and assessment process and the time spent on both activities will add up to meet the overall time requirements for that section.

I can’t carry on with my DofE because I have exams and other pressures.
Don’t forget you have until your 25th birthday to complete your DofE, regardless of when you started it. You can undertake your sections during the school holidays or at a time in the year when you are not as busy with other activities. Remember that you don’t have to undertake the Skill, Physical and Volunteering sections at the same time and each section’s activity only needs to be a minimum of an hour per week. If you are struggling with your DofE programme then it may be worth chatting with your Leader to talk through options available to you.

I’ve had a change in financial circumstances and don’t think I can afford to do my DofE anymore.
The costs associated with doing your DofE are available here. You may wish to chat to your Leader or DofE Manager who may be able to provide you with ideas for activities for your sections which are low cost or even free. Many groups have access to a kit store where you can borrow equipment for your expedition.

Opportunity Finder

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