Climate change and the environment are some of the most important issues facing us today, and you told us in ‘Our Future, Unlimited: A Youth Manifesto’ that you want to influence policy around climate change, and take action. You also told us you would love to be able to focus on environmental and sustainability issues as part of your DofE.

Many participants have already used their Volunteering section to focus on the environment and climate change – but did you know you can choose activities and aims on this theme for your Skills section, Expedition and Gold Residential?

We’ve pulled together some resources and suggestions for activities you can do to support the environment, tackle climate change, and make a difference for everyone. Some of these opportunities are offered by our Approved Activity Providers (AAPs).

If you decide to theme your programme around climate change and the environment, we’d love to hear from you – DM us on social media or ask your Leader to email their Operations Officer with your story. And if you have any ideas for other activities we’ve missed, let us know!


What could I do?

  • Take part in the RSPB’s Wild Challenge to do practical activities to help nature on your doorstep (AAP)
  • Litter picking – look after your local area by cleaning it up and recycling what you can. You could also do this with your friends as a team
  • Become an Energy Envoy with the National Energy Foundation, helping others in your community to use energy more wisely and help save the planet (AAP)
  • Create content about climate change and share it with thousands of others by becoming a Creator for SwopItUp (AAP)
  • Raise awareness about the impact of climate change or the impact of plastic waste in your school or organisation; use our programme template to help you
  • Care for wild places by taking part in the John Muir Award
  • Help maintain your local waterways by volunteering with the Canal and River Trust (AAP)

More volunteering opportunities

Countryside Restoration Trust

The Ulster Wildlife Grassroots Challenge

Poster of One World globe
Volunteer for a good cause like Olivia READ MORE
Guy hiking with sunglasses and a hat on
Volunteer Assistant DofE Leader Tom has continued to support participants virtually READ MORE
Young female participant smiling to camera
Lily found motivation during lockdown by volunteering at a foodbank READ MORE

What could I do?

  • Follow our 13-week template on researching environmental issues, and COP26 (you will need to expand on this if your section is longer than 3 months)
  • Try growing your own vegetables, or planting bee-friendly plants, if you have outside space at home or at school – learn more about environmentally friendly gardening here
  • Investigate the environmental impact of the food industry, and try making a range of tasty vegan meals
  • Tell others about the importance of environmental sustainability through a range of media, e.g. radio broadcasts or podcasts, blogs, films or writing articles
  • Do the Minibeasts online learning course (AAP)

What could I do?

Four female pupils outside St Anne's school wearing rucksacks
Ways to reduce cost and waste on DofE expeditions: a Leader’s perspective READ MORE
Three young people sitting on a step with workbooks
Want to do more to get involved? READ MORE
young female with back to camera, arms outstretched in woods
Managing anxiety around the lockdown lifting READ MORE

What could I do?

There are lots of residential opportunities that support the environment or which are linked to tackling climate change. Investigate local opportunities, or have a look at some offered by our AAPs here:

  • Field Studies Council offers opportunities for young people to engage with the outdoors and learn about the environment so you can make informed choices about how best to protect it
  • Re:green project is a conservation and youth leadership programme for 18-24 years olds in the Scottish Highlands for 2 and 4 week placements
  • All residential opportunities can be found here

Opportunity Finder

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