Eligibility Criteria for Organisations
1. The organisation must form part of a national or regional network of not-for-profit organisations supporting young people.
2. Organisations/groups must deliver in England.
3. Organisations must be incorporated, and they must be at least five Trustees/Directors for organisations registered within England. We will consider organisations with 3 or 4 directors/trustees on a case-by-case basis.
4. Organisations/groups must be not-for-profit organisation and be registered with Companies House or the Charities Commission. Types of eligible organisations include;
- Charities or Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charities Commission
- Charitable companies, registered with both Companies House and the Charity Commission
- Community organisations who Companies Limited by Guarantee (CLG) with no share capital and are registered with Companies House
- Community Interest Companies (CICs) which are not established or conducted for private gain: any surplus or assets are used exclusively for the benefit of the community
5. Organisations may be required to submit a copy of their governing document, which shows a charitable / not-for-profit purpose.
6. Organisations/groups must have been established for at least one year
7. Organisations/groups must have a bank / building society account in the organisation’s name, with two or more unrelated Director/Trustee signatories
8. Organisations have produced annual accounts (or the organisation was set up less than 15 months ago and hasn’t produced annual accounts yet). Please note- we will ask for copies of your full profit and loss accounts and a copy of your audit or independent examiners report, if available.
9. Any reserves accrued by the organisation are used to support the organisation (i.e. not-for-profit)
10. Organisations must have a dissolution clause in place.
11. Organisations/groups must have appropriate minimum standards in place to adhere to DofE licencing requirements. This includes:
- Be a legal entity (be incorporated)
- A safeguarding and/or child protection policy
- A health and safety policy
- Insurance documentation
- Equal opportunities policy
- An offsite visits policy (or similar).
12. We will also need details of two contacts as part of your application, one of whom will be the legally responsible contact for any grant awarded; these must be unconnected.
13. The organisation is able to contribute to the reduced DofE licence fee (Year 1 will be fully covered by the grant, and 50% in Year 2).
*Please note that all applications will undergo a due diligence check and organisations will be asked to produce documentation, including safeguarding policies and profit and loss accounts. We will review the information supplied alongside publicly available information supplied alongside publicly available information. This is to make sure that the information is correct and there are no significant risks we can identify when awarding grants.